As many of you are aware as of 12th of January 2021 Flash has been discontinued and many of you maybe facing the following issue.
The client does have a local version of flash, however it is version 6... very old and probably buggy.
I have attached a version of flash which you can put into the client folder, it is from late 2019.

The client by default loads the system installed flash.ocx, this has been updated to expire on the 12th of january 2021.
Many of you have tried to remove the windows update. However, i have a better solution that microsoft can't remove. Here i have included flash.ocx which you can replace in your conquer directly. Now with a little help from a the following class you can add to your Loader / Hook. You can force the client to load the local flash.ocx from the client folder. This will fix your issue.
#pragma once
class CFlashFix
typedef HMODULE(_stdcall* HookLoadLibrary)(_In_ LPCWSTR lpLibFileName,
_Reserved_ HANDLE hFile,
_In_ DWORD dwFlags);
static void Hook();
static HookLoadLibrary pLoadLibrary;
static HMODULE _stdcall LoadLibraryDetour(_In_ LPCWSTR lpLibFileName,
_Reserved_ HANDLE hFile,
_In_ DWORD dwFlags);
#include "pch.h"
#include "CFlashFix.h"
#include <tchar.h>
CFlashFix::HookLoadLibrary CFlashFix::pLoadLibrary;
void CFlashFix::Hook()
auto m = GetModuleHandleA("kernelbase.dll");
auto proc = GetProcAddress(m, "LoadLibraryExW");
pLoadLibrary = reinterpret_cast<CFlashFix::HookLoadLibrary>(proc);
DetourAttach(&reinterpret_cast<PVOID&>(pLoadLibrary), LoadLibraryDetour);
//Thanks to { Angelius } for the cleaner method.
HMODULE _stdcall CFlashFix::LoadLibraryDetour(LPCWSTR lpLibFileName, HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwFlags)
if (StrStrW(lpLibFileName, L"Flash.ocx"))
lpLibFileName = L"./Flash.ocx";
return pLoadLibrary(lpLibFileName, hFile, dwFlags);
I am aware this code may not be optimized and or messy. I gave it like 5 seconds of love. It is more just of a quick release to get you guys back up and running.
If done correctly, your client should now work again.

Post from elitepvers.