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Source: https://gitlab.com/felipevendramini/comet
Autopatch+Loader: https://github.com/FelipeVieiraVendramini/AutoUpdater
Database: https://mega.nz/file/YUgQHLJR#B2jwHIjpRPFHqWZpmBj3A_1isV_F_oVHQRfZmYFrWUY
Client: http://www.mediafire.com/file/j4s57ivw33vsqwm/WorldConquer5000-Release.exe/file?fbclid=IwAR0_yUiQ_EnD0qh0EOKaqSVqPJkdrAxXKC-thra_cpSgVDTVEWVG-jsQOWM

Use Mysql 5.7 for working

For use other loader use other original client: https://mega.nz/#!UAQ0AbYD!khk5TrQgObALb3Lv01jYqMARMAAYuAcjjrDmizcH1y0

This source have one important error: thread lock issue
Author: Felipe Vieira Vendramini (@WhoisVendramini in forum)

Original Post

    7 days later

    DaRkFox Verificando, no se si estoy mal, a la Base de datos le falta información requerida, ya sea para iniciar o cualquier cosa, ya que se encuentra vacia.

      DaRkFox Hello, it worked for me with the correct version that you indicated, what happens, and I do not know if you tried it, is that the database is clean, and for example the maps in the database are needed, to be able to less login, because if you don't have a map in the cq_map, it won't add the maps internally, I manually created the database for the source, and it was the only way to enter, it is a compiled database, but still logging in, about the thread blocking problem, failed to understand very well as I have tried to make threads get corrupted but still not blocked immediately.

        a month later
        DaRkFox changed the title to WorldConquer Source 5187 (By Felipe Vieira).
        6 months later
        5 days later

        Development still active :] it'll be much helpful if you guys report bugs as issues in the repository. Don't forget, open one issue per issue XD also the SQL files are now in the repository too

          6 days later

          WhoisVendramini Thank you for your great work, Currently I have not had time to test your latest versions but I know that you are dedicating a lot of time to the project.

          3 years later

          La fuente es extremadamente trabajable, pero encontré dos errores que no puede solucionar y es una lastima.

          1. El juego no recuerda tu ubicación al reconectar, sólo lo hace en TC y no en todas las coordenadas.

          2. Tiene un bug cuando se pasa un item por trato y es que no cambia de propiedad el item y si el otro pj va a subir el item de lvl y quien se lo vendió tiene mets en su inventario se los cobra al dueño anterior.

          Es un lastima, me estaba gustando trabajar esta Source.

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