Hello i just want to know If you still make critical updates on this source?
sadpk Yes, any critical bug are fixed. Example: bug in saving something or bug when login.
Excelente aporte
I just Purchased, Please give me access thanks darkfox
Why is your payment stuff not automated to send access zzzzz when are you going to even reply
wuvo i already sended you the access, any issue contact in my facebook, thanks. In a future the payments are improved and automatized.
DaRkFox I want to talk with you
hamada Send message to my facebook
DaRkFox give me link facebook
DaRkFox digame seu facebook?
hamada @xzll https://www.facebook.com/darkfoxdeveloper/
Give me the facebook link, I need to talk to you.
Does it run on Linux without a graphical interface? Just via command line? Would I need to make any changes or would it come ready for Linux CLI servers?
libertapombo Yes its ready for run in linux servers using a commands without Graphical Interfaces.
GasolinaBr search Cristian Ocaña Soler