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This version includes the following features:

  1. Download patches and updates from the server in zip files and decompress them like any other auto-update system.
  2. Ability to create accounts on the server database.
  3. Recover accounts using account information.
  4. Log in to the user account.

Upcoming new features:

  1. Ability to download client files.
  2. Download specific patches by name.
  3. Run the game using either DirectX 8 or DirectX 9.
  4. Choose the game's graphics profile from {Low, Medium, High}.


the video on youtube now in english you can watch it to understand how to use this program

    a month later

    3ash ya bro, Thanks for sharing

    6 months later

    DaRkFox thanks, and i can do more than this if i had someone to help me

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